Premiers pas avec VMware Cloud on AWS
Offrez un Cloud hybride transparent en étendant votre environnement vSphere sur site au cloud AWS.
Atelier gratuit de découverte du Cloud
Notre atelier de découverte gratuit VMware Cloud et AWS vous fournira des informations précieuses, vous permettant de prendre des décisions commerciales intelligentes concernant votre approche du Cloud.
Demander une demonstration POC
Demandez dès aujourd'hui une démonstration de VMware Cloud on AWS POC pour essayer les dernières et meilleures de VMware dans un environnement sécurisé.
Évaluations complètes
Notre service d'évaluation couvrira votre réseau, votre infrastructure physique, la configuration de vSphere, les charges de travail, les applications, les cas d'utilisation d'identité pour AWS natif.
Construire & Migrer le service
Insight peut vous aider avec vos besoins de construction et de migration, y compris les mises à niveau sur site, la création de compte AWS avec la configuration VPC, la mise en service de votre VMC SDDC et la connexion à AWS.
Fonctionnalités clés de VMware Cloud on AWS
La seule solution cloud hybride qui vous permet de moderniser, protéger et faire évoluer les applications vSphere en tirant parti d'AWS, le leader mondial du Cloud public.
Enterprise-grade capabilities
- Leverage predictable, high-performance compute, storage and networking delivered by vSphere, vSAN and NSX running on next-gen Nitro system-based Amazon EC2 elastic, bare-metal infrastructure.
- Ensure application uptime through capabilities built directly in the service such as vSphere HA, DRS, auto host remediation, and Stretched Clusters for zero-RPO infrastructure availability.
- Prevent the lateral spread of threats with dynamic policy-driven NSX micro-segmentation and distributed firewalls.
Simple and consistent operations
- Reduce your operational overhead and achieve your cloud strategy faster, whether it is migration, extension or protection, by leveraging existing skills, tools, processes and familiar VMware technologies.
- Get a single inventory view of both on-premises and VMware Cloud on AWS resources using vCenter Server technology.
- Leverage the in-product, unified support experience that brings together intelligent search, chat support, service request management, service health and community help, available at your fingertips.
Flexible Consumption
- Align costs to your business needs with flexible consumption options and investment protection.
- Consume on-demand hourly, or take advantage of one-year and three-year reserved models for deeper discounts.
- Get started rapidly and provision an entire VMware SDDC environment in 2 hours.
- Add or remove hosts in minutes or let Elastic DRS to do it automatically based on optimal utilisation.
Familiar and seamless
- Continue using your familiar VMware technologies - plus a broad range of third party technology solution providers that are validated to work with VMware Cloud on AWS.
- Leverage a single point of contact for all your support issues.
- Focus on your apps while VMware and its partners take care of infrastructure patches and upgrades.
- Empower your infrastructure teams to run the most resource-intensive apps with all the performance, availability and scale requirements they need, while your development teams focus on your business requirements.
It's nearly 3x more likely that a company is rated as a Digital Transformation Leader* when fully empowering employees.
*Pioneers plus leaders
Empowered employees in firms who make apps available and highly accessible report:
- 17% less time spent on manual processes
- 16% increase in team collaboration
- 16% faster decision making
Empowered employees, compared to traditional employees, are more likely by nearly:
- 5 x to report gain in personal productivity
- 4 x to report their company us a more desirable place to work
- 2 x to report that apps are very important in accelerating decision-making in the company
Empowered employees, compared to traditional employees, project for their firms:
- 34% greater increase in effciency
- Almost 2x the increase in service quality
- HR efficiencies for recruiting (69%) and onboarding of new employees (59%)
Plus, 87% of all CIOs surveyed believe that digitally empowering their employees can drive at least 5% additional revenue growth over 3 years.
CIOs and employees share very different views, both in where their companies are versus peers in providing technology to employees, and about the availability, utility, and freedom to use employee technologies at work.
This indicates a degree of disappointment by employees, and a complacency in CIOs which can lead to a dangerous disconnect that may impact a firm’s performance.
Ebook: Faites du cloud hybride une réalité
3 organisations partagent leurs idées
Ebook: L'économie de l'évolutivité des infrastructures
Trouvez la manière la plus rentable et la moins risquée d'évoluer.
Les 5 principaux défis de la migration d'applications vers le Cloud
Avant de profiter des avantages du cloud public, les entreprises doivent réussir à s'y installer. Ce dossier explore les 5 principaux défis et comment VMC sur AWS peut être la bonne solution.