Article Make your applications more secure with Veeam as a backup solution
Par Insight UK / 18 Oct 2021 / Sujets: Nuage Sécurité
Par Insight UK / 18 Oct 2021 / Sujets: Nuage Sécurité
In any modern organisation, data is one of the most valuable assets. Securing data and complying with regulations is therefore extremely important. But did you know that security and compliance are both principles that also need to be taken into account at the design stage of software? For independent software vendors (ISV) who want to stand out, security must be at the heart of all activities. In this blog we explain how Veeam can be used as the ultimate backup tool to protect data and implement transparent and reliable strategies.
Almost every day we read news reports about cyber attacks on companies. One of the most popular methods used by hackers is ransomware. The damage caused by this type of attack can be disastrous for the organisation that has been impacted. A sophisticated form of ransomware silently penetrates systems and then waits for a long time, making it extremely difficult to detect. When the attack is finally activated, the malware blocks access to the system. Victims often have no other choice but to pay the high ransom if they want to get their business-critical data back.
Once a company has been attacked, it is often too late to take the appropriate measures. So you always need to be prepared for a worst case scenario. This is why security must be considered at every step of an application’s life cycle, including the design of the software. Some customers also have to comply with strict regulations regarding the use of an application. Think of industries that work with important personal data, such as banks and hospitals. Security and compliance should therefore be a key consideration for ISVs that build, develop and sell software.
As cyber security is now the highest priority in most organisations, companies are more likely to choose software and applications that are built to ensure a high level of security. Many vendors focus solely on developing a powerful application that helps customers solve a particular business problem. They leave it up to the company to add value and determine how they use the software. This also means that their primary focus is not on the cloud, although most organisations are now using applications in one or more cloud environments. These vendors fix issues only when they occur.
This mindset has to change if an ISV wants to distinguish itself from the competition. Of course, it is not easy to keep up with all the technologies available on the market. This is why Insight has experts who continually work with proven technology vendors to understand which solutions and tools can be used to ensure that services and software meet the security demands of modern organisations.
Besides the unpleasant disruption of services, ransomware and other malware attacks cause significant damage to a company’s reputation. Although we most often hear about attacks on large enterprises, smaller companies are also at risk of being hacked. In security, there is one golden rule: never think that nothing can happen, but assume that it will.
Our experts therefore recommend Veeam, a backup and recovery platform that ensures security and compliance even before an application is deployed. It is a great solution for meeting all privacy and security requirements without impacting the system or increasing costs. In addition, it does not matter where the data is stored because Veeam works with both cloud-based, SaaS, virtual, Kubernetes, and physical workloads.
The platform offers many advantages. On the one hand, Veeam guarantees 100% protection against ransomware. If an emergency occurs, you can immediately recover the data from the backup without paying the ransom. This makes Veeam the ideal security platform to eliminate ransomware attacks on organisations. On the other hand, the platform supports all compliance and governance requirements. It even has audit functionalities that are included in the backup process. And once an application is deployed, you can reuse the backup data to create instant test environments that help you ensure optimal product quality.
The results are clear: Veeam states that 45% of their users report less audit and compliance errors, while 77% see a significant reduction in the risk of data loss. What’s more, 95% has experienced little or no financial impact as a result of ransomware. The platform is an indispensable asset for an ISV looking to prepare its software and applications for a modern IT infrastructure.
Insight can guide you through each phase of the transition process. First, we take time to assess what you already have in place. Then we introduce innovative solutions like Veeam to optimise your setup. We can even carry out a stress test to check the security of an application.
In the post-pandemic era, the importance of security will only increase. So it is crucial to think about it and find out how you can provide added value for customers who buy your solutions. Once you have invested in better security, you should include the message in your communication to show customers that you care.
Ready to learn more about Veeam and other ways to futureproof your business? Then be sure to contact us.